Title: High Performance Blenders - Blending Machines | Vitamix
Description: Vitamix is one of the most trusted brands in high performance blending technology for your home and business. Experience a Vitamix machine today!
Description: We carry Bosch Mixers Kitchen Aid mixer Vitamix blender Cuisinart, along with Grain Mills Mixers Bread Mixers Juicers, and a whole line of Bosch Products plus all blender models from Vita mix, plus food dehydrators. Also find all Saeco Espresso Machine a
Title: Chef Tools : providing chefs with innovative food preparation equipment
Description: Exclusive UK distributor for Pacoject. Providing chefs with innovative food preparation equipment and introducing new technology into the kitchen.
Title: Alternative Medcine and Holistic Health Products
Description: Alternative medicine products for home use. Water filters, royal rife machines, frequency generators, Hulda Clark colon and other body cleanses, zappers, nutritional supplements, ozone generators, Vita-Mix juicer, Kangen water ionizer, Vitalizer Plus, si