#15,390,135 (
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Title: Tibbetts - Miniature Electret Microphones, Electromagnetic Coils, and Electroacoustic Transducers
Description: Miniature electret microphones. Miniature electromagnetic and electroacoustical transducers used by the international hearing-aid, medical device, security and surveillance industries. Tibbetts Industries, Inc. Camden, Maine.
Keywords:miniature microphones, electret microphones, small microphones, Electroacoustical Transducer, Electromagnetic Transducer, minature, miniature, protected, protection, scientific, small, smallest, spy, surface mount, surveillance, tiny, acoustic, amplified, audio, cellular, electret, Electroacoustical, electromagnetic, EMF, EMI,
... (View More)
GSM, RF, IEEE, STD, 1027, ANSI, TIA, EIA, 504, inductor, inductors, magnetic sensors, microphone, microphones, receiver, receivers, telecoil, tele-coil, coils, telecoils, tele-coils, telephone pick-up, contract assembly, custom miniature manufacturing, headphone, headphones, headset, hearing aid, hearing aids, parts, speaker, speakers, transducer, transducers, knowles, microtronic, songbird, tibbells, tibbets, tibbetts, tibbits, tibbitts, tibetts, tibitts, Camden, Maine(View Less)