Title: i3Detroit - Metro Detroit's Art & Technology collective
Description: i3 Detroit aims to create a collaborative environment for people to explore the balance between technology, art and culture. We feel the best way to create this environment is to bring like mind people together that share a common passion for technology,
Description: MYFAB ist eine Online Plattform fuer 3D-Objekte, digitales Design und Fabbing.Lade Objekte zu MYFAB hoch oder lade 3D-Objekte herunter um Sie mit einem 3D-Drucker, Lasercutter oder einer CNC Maschine herzustellen.
Description: Nick Bontrager is a contemporary artist whose work explores the physical and conceptual structure of film, military field manuals, and mankind's struggle to explore the vast unknown.
Description: Maker Farm - Your source for 3D printing kits and electronics for RepRap, PrintrBoard, RAMPS, Gen6, printed parts in abs and aluminum, and extruders.
Description: Tinkerine (ting-ker-reen) Studio is a Vancouver-based company that specializes in 3D printing technologies and creative solutions. We are designers and tinkerers who love to see ideas come to life. Not only do we offer rapid prototyping services includin