Title: Bismika Allahuma - Muslim Responses To Anti-Islam Polemics
Description: Facilitating Muslim responses to the various mendacious polemics and distortions of Islam by the Christian missionaries and their anti-Islamic allies that are being spread over the Internet.
Description: The Islamic Awareness site is dedicated to presenting the pure teachings of Islam, correcting the misconceptions and refuting the lies, distortions and false accusations of Christian missionaries and Orientalists.
Title: Pixel Paradox Handcrafted Screensavers and Selected Games.
Description: Pixel Paradox Screensavers and Pixel Paradox Games - Handcrafted Screensavers for Home and Office PCs & Free Game Downloads. 3D, Las Vegas, Egypt, Gould Birds.
Description: Martin Kramer on the Middle East is a website featuring the work of Middle East analyst and historian Martin Kramer. The site includes a weblog entitled Sandbox, a selection of readings and news feeds, and a photo and video clip gallery.
Title: Méditerranée | Culture et politique en Méditerranée: information et identité Méditerranéennes avec Babelmed
Description: Babelmed.net est un projet éditorial centré sur les réalités politiques et culturelles qui façonnent l'identité méditerranéenne, un site conçu par un réseau de journalistes de la Méditerranée
Description: esoterisme-librairie.fr La plus grande librairie ésotérique en ligne, spécialisée dans la spiritualité, l'orientalisme, les arts divinatoires, l'ésotérisme et la santé.''