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Google search volume for "frugals"

Website results for "frugals"

 3 websites found

#531,032 (-51%) -
Title: FruGals - Canadian Contests, Coupons, Freebies & More...
Description: Canadian Contests, Coupons, Freebies, Money Saving Tips, and Canadian Deals.
#2,564,218 (-5%) -
Title: My Frugal Savings ~ Being Frugal is the New Cool!
Description: We'll show you how to be smart with your money, how to get the best deals, and introduce you to new products via reviews and giveaways.

Not available.
#1,171,572 (+73%) -
Description: Learn about Free software and how to get the most out of it from the free and easy to understand video tutorial series found on this website