Title: Con-V-Air | Sp�cialiste en manipulations de mati�res en vrac - convoyeurs, �ducteurs, ...
Description: CON-V-AIR Inc. has more than 15 years experience in the bulk material handling industry since 1990. Our main geographic markets are Quebec and Ontario. With solid experience both in the pneumatic and mechanical conveying, we are able to provide one-stop
Keywords:www.con-v-air.com, con-v-air, storage, flowing Aid, screw conveyors, valves, bag handling, Feeding and Metering, Pneumatic Conveying, Size reduction, Mixing, Screeners and Separators, Drying and Cooling, Industrial Vacuum Cleaners, Pipes, Tubes & Fittings H-P METFLO, Water Treatment, Carrier, Vac-U-Max, Cyclonaire, Munson Machinery, Rotex, Dryer, Industrial vacuum cleaner, Mixer - Grinder,
... (View More)
Screener, Saint-Hubert, Quebec, Mississauga, Ontario, eductors, Entreposage, Ecoulement des poudres, Convoyeur à vis, Vannes, Manutention de sacs, Dosage, Transfert pneumatique, Broyage, Mélange de poudre, Tamisage et séparateurs, Séchoirs et refroidisseurs, Aspirateurs industriels, Tuyaux H-P METFLO, traitement de leau, Séchoirs, refroidisseurs, alimentateurs, Systèmes vibrants, Flash dryers(View Less)