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Google search volume for "claretian"

Website results for "claretian"

 6 websites found

Title: Claretian Missionaries - Philippines
Description: Official Website of the Claretian Missionaries - Philippine Province. Congregation of Missionaries, Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary founded by St Anthony Mary Claret in Vic, Barcelona Spain on July 16, 1849 together with Fabregas,
#846,677 (+6%) -
Title: Claretian Communications Foundation,Inc.
Description: CLARETIAN PUBLICATIONS is a pastoral endeavor of the Claretian Missionaries that brings the word of God to people from all walks of life. It aims to promote integral evangelization and renewed spirituality that is geared towards empowerment and total lib
#0 (0%) -
Title: Missionários Claretianos
Description: Sítio oficial da Província dos Missionários Claretianos em Portugal
Title: Misión Claretiana - Costa Chica - Inicio
Description: Misión Claretiana de Costa Chica
#7,227,158 (+108%) -
Title: Inicio
Description: Sitio web oficial del Diario Biblico - Misioneros Claretianos de America
Title: Misioneros Claretianos Provincia de Perú - Bolivia
Description: Asumimos en nuestras posiciones apostólicas la defensa de la vida, la justicia, la paz y la integridad de la creación