Title: Dentist Louisville KY | Stony Brook Dental Care | Michael Barnett, DDS
Description: Stony Brook Dental Care is a cosmetic dental practice in Jeffersontown providing general preventive dental services & children's sleep apnea therapy in a mercury free setting.
Title: Dentist in Louisville | Emergency Dental Care Louisville | Louisville KY Pediatric Dentist
Description: As your dentist in Louisville, we offer skilled and compassionate care to help every patient maintain optimal oral health and enjoy the benefits of a beautiful smile, call (502) 267-4141 to make an appointment today.
Title: Dentist in Louisville | Emergency Dental Care Louisville | Louisville KY Pediatric Dentist
Description: As your dentist in Louisville, we offer skilled and compassionate care to help every patient maintain optimal oral health and enjoy the benefits of a beautiful smile, call (502) 267-4141 to make an appointment today.