Title: Erasmusu - Social Network for Erasmus and Exchange Students
Description: Social Network for Erasmus and exchange students from around the world. Meet people, read their experiences, find accommodation, discover cities and universities.
Title: ILA : learn French in France, French language school, French language courses
Description: Come to learn French in Southern France at Institut Linguistique Adenet : our French language school provides you with quality French courses, taught by qualified and experienced teachers, DELF DALF preparation
Title: Safe Girl Security :: Personal Security Alarms for Women and Children by Safe Girl Security, Essex, UK - Safe Girl Security
Description: Personal protection for fashion conscious princesses! Safe Girl sells stylish and fun personal alarms and security gadgets to keep you safe wherever you are.
Title: Welcome to the Illinois Library Association - www.ila.org
Description: The Illinois Library Association is the voice for Illinois libraries and the millions who depend on them, and presents the annual iREAD Summer Reading Program.
Title: Association for Union Democracy -- union democracy for a strong labor movement.
Description: The Association for Union Democracy: information, education, resources, and support for union members. Legal Rights, Education, Union Democracy Review, AUD Women's Project, Links