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Title: UltraLum, Ultraviolet-Imaging-Excellence
Description: Imaging and Analysis Systems for Gel Documentation, Fluorescence, Chemiluminescence and Bioluminescence Applications in Molecular Research.
Keywords:gel documentation, electrophoresis, chemiluminescence, fluorescence, bioluminescence, in-vivo, colony counting, densitometry, gel imaging, image analysis, microarray, macroarray, quantum dot, qdot, multiplex, western blot, southern blot, northern blot, cell assay, autoradiograph, autorad, CCD camera, omega, discovery, explorer,
... (View More)
ultracam, ultralum, uvp, eagle eye, image station, versa doc, gel doc, biochemi, fluorchem, alpha innotech, imagequant, labworks, genegenius, geneflash, chemigenius, genesnap, genetools, visionworks, differential display, quantitative pcr, karotyping, rflp, aflp, fingerprint, forensic, molecular biology, microscopy, sybr, sypro, gfp, green fluorescent protein, luciferase, doc-it, edas, transilluminator, crosslinker, uv, ultraviolet(View Less)