Owner: ElumarDeSa
Title: Plandora - Project Management Tool
Description: The Plandora project is a tool to help the software development process, from the customer requirement until the task conclusion, and consequently gather the 'history' of project.
Keywords:Plandora, Pandora, CRM, , Customer Relationship Management, Planejamento de Projeto, Project Management, Gantt Chart, Carta Gantt, Agile Model, SCRUM, , Base de Conhecimento, RUP, Desenvolvimento Iterativo, workflow, modeling, ticket, requirement, requisitos, , KPI, Indicador Chave de Desempenho, Key Performance Indicator, Struts,
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MySQL, cmmi, ISO9000, PMI, XP, Java, Jude, Tomcat, web based tool, BSC, Balanced Scorecard, ToDo List, Incident Management, Problem Management, Change Management, Gerencia de Problemas, Gerencia de Incidentes, , ITIL, Meta Form, Meta Field, Customized Reports, MS-Project, GanttProject, Diagrama gantt, gantt Diagram, Mps.Br, Melhoria de Processos do Software Brasileiro, knowledge base, Knowledge management, Bugtracking, Scheduling, Groupware, Calendar, Projectmanagement, bsc open source(View Less)